
An open source gateway to a better Steam® client experience.

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Themes allow you to completely customize your client with CSS. You can either make your own theme, or download the wide variety of themes from our community.

Browse Themes


Millennium comes with a builtin plugin loader and plugin API. Plugins can increase the functionality and user experience of the app through JavaScript. Write your own or download plugins made by the community.

Browse Plugins
React Logo
(Object.values(findModule((m) => {if (typeof m !== 'object')return false;for (let prop in m) {if (m[prop]?.m_mapModalManager && Object.values(m)?.find((x) => x?.type)) {return true;}}return false;}) || {})?.find((x) => x?.type?.toString()?.includes('((function(){')) ||Object.values(findModule((m) => {if (typeof m !== 'object')return false;for (let prop in m) {if (m[prop]?.toString()?.includes('"ModalManager","DialogWrapper"')) {return true;}}return false;}) || {})?.find((x) => x?.type?.toString()?.includes('((function(){')) ||findModuleChild((m) => {if (typeof m !== 'object')return undefined;for (let prop in m) {if (m[prop]?.prototype?.OK && m[prop]?.prototype?.Cancel && m[prop]?.prototype?.render) {return m[prop];}}}));const ModalModule = findModule((mod) => {if (typeof mod !== 'object')return false;for (let prop in mod) {if (Object.keys(mod).length > 4 && mod[prop]?.toString().includes('.ModalPosition,fallback:'))return true;}return false; }); const wnd = GetMainSteamWindow()

Open Source ❤️

Community driven, made by beautiful people just like you.