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Microsoft Office 2007 Styled Theme plugin

checkmark--v1Verified by Millennium developers

Microsoft Office 2007 Styled Theme


Based on a mockup by MondySpartan: https://www.deviantart.com/mondyspartan/art/Steam-Office-2007-Styled-Mockup-1060261068


This theme (optionally) requires a plugin for the top bar and some other additional elements. The menu bar, links to a game's store page, community hub, etc. and some other things will not be accessible if not installed.


Maybe. The main concept is finished, but next on the list are controls, then settings to look like Office 2007 as well because of the left side tabs layout, since there are too many.

Titlebar is missing

It's going to be available in a separate plugin in the future. It's not released yet because it doesn't start early enough to modify window.open before the main window appears (but works for everything else). The screenshot only includes it so I don't have to take another one.